Source code for charticle.venn

"""Venn diagrams with labeled regions."""
import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib_venn

from charticle import _validators

[docs]class FontSizes(object): """Utility class for font size tracking.""" title = attr.ib(default=20, validator=_validators.positive_int) sets = attr.ib(default=14, validator=_validators.positive_int) intersections = attr.ib(default=12, validator=_validators.positive_int)
[docs]class Venn2(object): """Object for a 2-circle Venn. Set attributes at init or by assignment. :param str a_name: :param str b_name: Label text for outside the A & B circles. :param str a: :param str b: Label text for the 1-member crescents. :param str ab: Label text for the lenticular intersection of A & B. :param str title: Text for the title of the plot. :param palette: a color palette for the A & B sets. :type palette: Venn2.Palette :param fontsizes: the font sizes for various labels. :type fontsizes: FontSizes """ @attr.s(repr_ns="Venn2", slots=True)
[docs] class Palette(object): """Container of color palette for both sets. :param `a,b`: color names for the two sets. :type `a,b`: legal html colornames or hex codes :param alpha: color combination alpha for intersection. :type alpha: float in [0,1] TODO: add some default "constant" palettes. """ a, b = [attr.ib(default=n, validator=_validators.legal_color) for n in ('red', 'green')] alpha = attr.ib(default=0.4, validator=_validators.zero_to_one)
@attr.s(repr_ns="Venn2", slots=True)
[docs] class Sizes(object): """Utility class for shaping the Venn2.""" a, b, c, ab, normalize = [ attr.ib(default=1.0, validator=_validators.non_negative) for _ in range(5)] def to_dict(self): return { '10': self.a, '01': self.b, '11': self.ab, }
a_name, b_name = [attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) for n in ('A', 'B')] a, b, ab = [attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) for n in ('a', 'b', 'ab')] title = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) sizes = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(Sizes)) fontsizes = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(FontSizes)) palette = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(Palette))
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None): """Produce a plot on the specified axes. Puts label strings in the right places and produces the figure. ax: the axis on which to plot this diagram. Defaults to current axes. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() attr.validate(self) attr.validate(self.sizes) attr.validate(self.palette) attr.validate(self.fontsizes) # Adjust the relative size of the areas so that there is more # space in the outer ones. v = matplotlib_venn.venn2( # region sizes, subsets=self.sizes.to_dict(), normalize_to=self.sizes.normalize, # region colors, set_colors=(self.palette.a, self.palette.b), alpha=self.palette.alpha, ax=ax) # String 'A', 'B', 'C', are the outer set label names declared # by matplotlib_venn. for label, val in (('A', self.a_name), ('B', self.b_name)): t = v.get_label_by_id(label) t.set_text("" if val is None else val) t.set_fontsize(self.fontsizes.sets) # Numeric strings are the labels for the intersecting regions # declared by matplotlib_venn for label, val in ( ('10', self.a), ('01', self.b), ('11', self.ab)): t = v.get_label_by_id(label) if t is None: continue t.set_text("" if val is None else val) t.set_fontsize(self.fontsizes.intersections) if self.title: ax.set_title(self.title, size=self.fontsizes.title) return v
[docs]class Venn3(object): """Object for a 3-label venn. Set attributes at init or by assignment. :param str a_name: :param str b_name: :param str c_name: Label text for the outer circles. :param str a: :param str b: :param str c: Label text for the 1-member patches. :param str ab: :param str ac: :param str bc: Label text for the 2-set-intersection patches. :param str abc: Label text for the full 3-set intersection. :param str title: Text for the title of the plot. :param palette: a color palette for the sets. :type palette: Venn3.Palette :param sizes: the region sizes (relative to 1.0). :type sizes: Venn3.Sizes :param fontsizes: the font sizes for various labels. :type fontsizes: FontSizes """ @attr.s(repr_ns="Venn3", slots=True)
[docs] class Sizes(object): """Utility class for shaping the Venn3.""" a, b, c, ab, ac, bc, abc, normalize = [ attr.ib(default=1.0, validator=_validators.non_negative) for _ in range(8)] def set_double_weight(self, weight): self.bc = = self.ab = weight return self def set_single_weight(self, weight): self.a = self.b = self.c = weight return self def to_dict(self): return { '100': self.a, '010': self.b, '001': self.c, '011': self.bc, '101':, '110': self.ab, '111': }
@attr.s(repr_ns="Venn3", slots=True)
[docs] class Palette(object): """Container of color palette for all 3 items. :param `a,b,c`: color names for the three sets. :type `a,b,c`: legal html colornames or hex codes :param alpha: color combination alpha for intersections. :type alpha: float in [0,1] TODO: add some default "constant" palettes. """ a, b, c = [attr.ib(default=n, validator=_validators.legal_color) for n in ('red', 'green', 'blue')] alpha = attr.ib(default=0.4, validator=_validators.zero_to_one)
a_name, b_name, c_name = [attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) for n in ('A', 'B', 'C')] a, b, c = [attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) for n in ('a', 'b', 'c')] ab, bc, ac = [attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) for n in ('a & b', 'b & c', 'a & c')] abc = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) title = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validators.optional_string) sizes = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(Sizes)) fontsizes = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(FontSizes)) palette = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(Palette))
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None): """Produce a plot on the specified axes. Puts label strings in the right places and produces the figure. ax: the axis on which to plot this diagram. Defaults to current axes. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() attr.validate(self) attr.validate(self.sizes) attr.validate(self.palette) attr.validate(self.fontsizes) # Adjust the relative size of the areas so that there is more # space in the outer ones. v = matplotlib_venn.venn3( # region sizes, subsets=self.sizes.to_dict(), normalize_to=self.sizes.normalize, # region colors, set_colors=(self.palette.a, self.palette.b, self.palette.c), alpha=self.palette.alpha, ax=ax) # String 'A', 'B', 'C', are the outer set label names declared # by matplotlib_venn. for label, val in (('A', self.a_name), ('B', self.b_name), ('C', self.c_name)): t = v.get_label_by_id(label) t.set_text("" if val is None else val) t.set_fontsize(self.fontsizes.sets) # Numeric strings are the labels for the intersecting regions # declared by matplotlib_venn for label, val in ( ('100', self.a), ('010', self.b), ('001', self.c), ('110', self.ab), ('011', self.bc), ('101',, ('111', t = v.get_label_by_id(label) if t is None: continue # no such region. t.set_text("" if val is None else val) t.set_fontsize(self.fontsizes.intersections) if self.title: ax.set_title(self.title, size=self.fontsizes.title) return v