Release checklist ----------------- - Run the :program:`tox` tests. Land the current version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - update ``CHANGELOG.rst`` - update ``__version__`` in ``src/charticle/`` to have new version number. - run :program:`tox` again. - commit changes to local git. repo - :program:`git` tag with current ``v{v}`` - ``git push origin v{v}`` to make sure the tag has shipped to github. Create the next launch version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - checkout a new branch named ``v{v+1}.dev``. - update ``__version__`` in ``charticle/`` to ``v{v+1}.dev`` and ``CHANGELOG.rst`` to ``v{v+1} (unreleased)``. - commit these changes to the new branch. - push the new branch to github (``git push --set-upstream origin v{v+1}-dev``). Ship the tag to PyPI and advance ``master`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - :program:`git` ``checkout`` the v{v} tag. - Ship to PyPI with ``tox -e pypi`` - ``git checkout master && git merge --ff-only v{v}`` - ``git push origin master`` - (:program:`git` checkout the v{v+1}-dev branch again.)